Walls, Floors, Ceilings, and Game Development
I watched the live-streaming of pannenkoek2012’s latest video, SM64’s Invisible Walls Explained Once and for All.
It was a pretty fun and instructive video, and the chat’s reactions were very funny too1. But of course, there were some negative comments, and I’m pretty sure not all of them are satire, since, unfortunately, yelling at game developpers is a pretty common Internet activity.
So let’s get the record straight (I doubt people will actually read this but this helps getting it out of my system):
- Computers are not like humans, things that developpers did that seem “more complicated” than an alternative (for instance, having ceilings that extend infinitely upwards instead of having a limited range) are actually easier to do (in the ceiling example, it means that the CPU has to do one comparison to detect that Mario is in the ceiling instead of two). I’ve also seen similar reactions to hardware design: “Why did they made RAM appear at two address space locations and then ask you not to touch one of the location?” Because it saved them a chip.
- Computers are not like humans, they have no eyeballs, they cannot “see” that a floor is higher that another floor. Iterating over all the floors ordered by height until you find the first one lower than Mario is a reasonable thing to do. (Okay, there may be more sophisticated algorithms that are more efficient, but the point is that the computer has to run algorithms to determine things, because that’s the only thing computers can do)
- It it said that a game receives 100 (1000?) times more QA in the first hour of its release than during all of its development; and it makes sense given when you compare the number of players with the number of QA testers. But of course, many gamers do not realize that.
- QA testers have more trouble seeing issues with invisible things (the invisible walls, the impossible coin, non-solid walls, misaligned loading zones in other games, etc) because they are invisible. Sure, fans have written debug tools that help find them (and speedrunners sometimes found them by accident), but the original developpers did not have time for that. Bugs regarding visible things have a higher change to be detected and fixed.
- Pannen’s video is almost 4 hours long and is about the collision detection code of SM 64. And not even all about it! It’s probably not even 1% of the game code. So yeah, it’s imperfect, corners were cut, but developpers had many, many other things to make work in order to release the game. (And personally, as a non-game programmer, I find collision detection to be pretty much magic, especially in 3D. I have absolutely no idea how you check if a point is over a triangle, which is the basis of everything Pannen has talked about in his video)
- It didn’t happen too much but some comparisons were made with a recent game, where a commentator said that it was OK for SM64 to have “bugs” but not the more other game. Guess what, it’s actually the same thing: Relatively small team of developpers, big ambition, extremely tight, non-extensible timeframe (for reasons outside of the developper’s control). There will be cut corners, and you may not appreciate them, but other people will enjoy the game anyway because of the other things that were made right and make the game enjoyable.
And… that’s it! Don’t forget to watch Pannen’s video (if you have 3.75 free hours), and support him if you can.
Also, to speedrunners: when talking about a glitch that helps you beat the game faster, please don’t talk about it like it’s the worst thing it the world, and especially don’t say “I have no idea why they did something this stupid”. Try to explain it in the context of game development.
Special mention to people that noticed that Pannen was repeating “So let’s look at it from the side and let’s look at it from above” and started posting it in all caps in the chat every time it was said again, it actually made me laugh out loud